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Indequine, a company, innovative in equine business and consultancy. The Netherlands has played an international role in breeding and producing sport horses. Due to the organizational skills with experience and knowledge, our customers can rely on a solid company.

With an expanded international network in equine business, Indequine can be very innovative. Support in promotion, organisation, distribution of different products for the equine market belong to our skills. Support in purchasing future horse prospects on different levels belong to our main tasks as well. When you're looking for young sport horses, future breeding horses, international sport horses or foals, Indequine supports the whole traject.

Further on there are contacts with different organizations of international horse shows. Indequine can provide a combination of travelling, looking for horses, having interesting excursions and the possibility to go to international events like Jumping Amsterdam, KWPN Stallion Show, Indoor Brabant and Outdoor Gelderland.

Indequine, solid and innovative!

Last update 24-3-2007
